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3D Scanning

The latest innovations in 3D Scanning & Capture

Industrial construction and maintenance have fallen behind in the use of technology to create a better engineering & design product.

At Altura, we are utilizing the latest innovations in 3D data capture & measurement. We own and operate three scanners; the Faro X330D, Focus S 350 Plus, and Focus S 70. Consequently, with FARO Scene software, we can create highly accurate as-built 3D models or point clouds for projects.

On most projects, we can perform 3D scanning entirely from grade. This eliminates the need to climb equipment which makes our time in the field safer and more productive. Further, changes to a facility can be modeled within the point cloud creating realistic 3D models of the proposed changes. Likewise, we can identify potential equipment clashes early during design to minimize rework during construction or operation. With the amount of data collected in one visit, site re-visits are reduced. In some cases, re-visits are not required even when scope change occurs.

Improving Collaboration

Altura’s 3D scanning design capability improves collaboration with the client during any stage of the project life cycle. Moreover, information can be easily visualized and decisions can be made faster and with greater confidence.

  • Certified using Faro 3D Scanning Equipment
  • Extended Scanning – 330M Range
  • Easy Positioning – Integrated GPS Receiver
  • Create scans in Color or Black and White
  • Outdoor Scanning Capability
  • Ability to tie scans into local coordinate system with 3rd party surveying company

3D Cad and Drafting services

Altura’s design teams work to create conceptual and detailed 3D models based on field surveys, such as point clouds. Overall, we use these models in mechanical and piping designs, as well as structural and civil designs. These are reviewed with the client throughout the design process. Thus, helping communicate what the final product will be.
When the 3D models are reviewed and approved by the client, we can extract accurate and detailed 2D construction drawings. These are a part of the final drawing package. Specifically, the drawings include piping plans & isometrics, mechanical layout & details, structural & civil layout, and details & plot plans.

We can also handle your instrumentation and electrical design needs as well as provide detailed construction packages. Evidently, these packages can include electrical one-lines, conduit & cable tray routings, and grounding & lighting plans. Packages also feature schematics, panel wiring diagrams, and instrument & motor loop diagrams.

Our designers and draftsmen are trained in multiple disciplines. This allows us to move quickly and confidently in the design process. Moreover, they are also well-versed in multiple software applications. These include AutoCAD, Microstation, CADWorx Plant and Structure, As‐Built, Navisworks, and ReCap.


3d CAD and Drafting services include: 

  • Ability to create 3d Models from Point clouds using Pattern Recognition Software
  • 3d Model reviews for as-builts and new construction
  • Ability to create 2d drawings from 3d Models
  • Ability to create 3d drawings from 2d drawings
  • P&ID updates, including smart P&ID’s
3D rendering and cad model

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